Saturday, May 30, 2015

Miracles--And so much Inspiration

Yes, graduation brought many tearful moments, but there was one moment that really stood out above anything else during the graduation ceremony.

In 2010, Chris Norton, a Luther student was tackled on a kickoff playing football at Luther. With several vertebrae severed, he was told he only had a 3% chance of walking. Chris wasn't about to let that get the most of him. Besides taking classes, he took this entire last semester working towards the goal of walking again, with the goal of walking across the stage to receive his diploma.

Since the accident, Chris has begun a foundation called SCI-CAN, to support people with Spinal Cord Injuries. His faith, determination, and perseverance has been a model for so many Luther students and people across the United States, showing that it is possible to put your mind to something and follow your dreams.

On Sunday, we had the joy of watching Chris fulfill his dream and walk across the stage at graduation with the help of his fiance. It was a tear filled moment to see someone who has worked so incredibly hard to receive his diploma.

Chris is someone who I think we can all strive to be like. Someone who works hard, and tries to leave the world a better place by helping others.

The link to Luther's graduation is here. (Chris walks at 1:30:00, and the speaker, Mike Danforth speaks at 20:00)

Chris has been interviewed numerous times this week and it has been so cool to see the positive impact he has made upon so many people!

You can also find links to other stories from Good Morning America, NBC Nightly News, and many others!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Soli Deo Gloria

This past weekend was one whirlwind of 72 hours. Full of festivities and celebrations, it brought in to full focus the reality of these past four years at Luther College.

The phrase that is continuously repeated at Luther is "Soli Deo Gloria" which translates to, "To Him be the Glory". I think it is rather fitting that this phrase is used so often. When it comes down to it, I really have to thank God for Luther and the opportunities it has brought me.

In the Fall of 2010, my family and I took a road trip to several small schools across the Midwest. I was thoroughly unimpressed at these schools without understanding the impact that such a school could have on my life. It was truly on a whim that we found Luther, just on a brief idea that my Dad suggested we travel to Decorah. When we got there, the campus was deserted, students were home for Fall Break. Most of the buildings locked, we went in to the darkened hallways of the Library and Gym, the tour guide trying to make up for the lack of buildings to show us. She was genuine and sincere, and for the first time I realized that this girl, a Senior from Chicago, was doing everything she could to show us how big of an impact this school had upon her life.

Several months later, Dad and I journeyed down to Luther one more time during one of the coldest weekends of the year for Scholar Day where I participated in several classes and saw what life was like during an actual school week when students flocked campus. Despite the frigid temperatures, I loved Luther. I loved the community, campus, and people.

It is strange to think back on those first times at Luther and compare it to now, a college graduate who has gained so much from the experience.

Over my college career, many people have asked why the heck I chose to come to school in the middle-of-nowhere Iowa from Colorful Colorado. Depending on the person and the amount of time I have, I have given a variety of reasons. All of them true, just not the whole story.
One reason we also looked up Luther was because it had a strong biology/Pre-Med Program. At the time of college entrance, I had decided I was going to follow a career path of Pre-Med to become a Physician's Assistant. Luther had a great Bio program so that added to the reasons we looked at the school.

After I started attending Luther, there were also moments of affirmation that I had chosen the right school.

During the Scholar Day, I hung out with an girl from Decorah who was planning on attending Luther. We chatted all day as we were at the same classes throughout the day. She was kind and sweet. I also sat next to some pretty cool people during the Scholarship Recognition Ceremony.
Well, that girl who I hung out with that day happened to be my freshman year roommate, Addie.
This girl has been a huge blessing upon my life and was the biggest blessing freshman year when things got rough and tough. Full of kindness and spunk, she has always brought so much joy to everyone around her.

And one of those guys sitting in that row on Scholar Day? That was Ryan. Who has also been a huge blessing on my life. Pretty dang thankful and so very proud of him. We've come a long way in four years, and I am so lucky to have him in my life.

And that career path of Pre-Med?? I decided not to pursue a path to be a Physician's Assistant when I realized biology was not for me. However, Luther just happened to have a very strong Elementary Education program, which was what I now feel was supposed to be my career path. Crazy how quickly and easily that change came when it was time to switch majors. I was even able to graduate on time after changing majors!

There is one final memory of that Scholar Day so long ago that resonates clearly...

That weekend in February I was working on my creative project for AP Literature. It was supposed to be a project around a poem and I had decided to make a video depicting my interpretation of the poem, "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth. It's a poem about wandering and finding something you love, unexpectedly.
As I made my video, I put it to the song, "White Shadows" by Coldplay. The chorus of the song says, "Maybe you'll get what you wanted, maybe you'll stumble upon it, everything you ever wanted, in a permanent state, maybe you'll know when you see it..."
This line has definitely rung true for me all four years. Luther was/has turned in to everything I ever could have wanted, all because we stumbled upon it when Dad decided we should just check it out. Boy am I glad we did!

In conclusion, I really do believe God had some pretty cool plans mapped out, just like he always does, for each and every one of us. Sometimes it just takes a little faith and going out on a limb. Something I was so not intrigued by at first, turned out to be the best decision I could have made.
In the end, I just have to say how thankful I am for these experiences these past four years, and the support that has come ceaselessly and endlessly. So many thanks to the friends and family who have given me thoughts, prayers, and conversations over the years. Knowing there were so many people behind me has made all the difference.

In reality, this diploma is from each and every one of you. It is a representation of the gift of love that I have received abundantly from many people. It is the gift that I have received from God for allowing me these opportunities.

"Soli Deo Gloria", To Him be the Glory.

June 2011

June 2011

Pictures on Pictures on Pictures

More #100HappyDays Posts!!! I'm almost done!! (Where did the days go?!?)

Day 82:

Day 83:
 This first picture represents how I feel after finishing all classes and finals of my undergraduate career!! "To Him be the glory"

And this represents our reactions to the end of school!!

And the biggest shout-out to Dani for graduating from high school!!! So proud of you!!

Day 84:
Senior Send-Off Night!!
Day 85:
I realize this picture is actually from Day 84, but I believe Pitch Perfect 2 lasted until after midnight on Day 85, so I'm going to count it! :)

Day 86:
Baccaleaureate Night! (A recognition ceremony for all graduating Seniors)

Day 87:

So proud to be a Norse and be a part of the Luther Alumni Family.
Man, I am really going to miss these people. They have definitely made my life so much brighter these past four years!!

Day 88:
I am sad to be leaving this place. Luther has been amazing these past few years, and I know my life has been made better by the people and experiences here! Definitely feeling like a Midwest girl as I head back to Colorado

Day 89:
Feeling sentimental...and this Story People quote just about sums it up. 

 Day 90:
So happy these wonderful people were able to make it out this weekend!!! So grateful for all of my family's support both near and far.

Monday, May 18, 2015

For Everything, There is a Season

"For Everything there is a season, 
a time for every activity under heaven. 
A time to be born and a time to die. 
A time to plant a a time to harvest. 
A time to kill and atime to heal. 
A time to tear down and a time to laugh. 
A time to grieve and a time to dance."
-Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

Tonight as I scrolled through my News Feed on Facebook, I was struck by the contrast between the events I could see. There were pictures from different graduations, friends getting married, new job announcements, prom pictures, and by and large this conglomeration of happy posts. Sometimes I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook. I don't like it that it is distracting and some things should be left private, however, I do love seeing the happy, melt-your-heart type of posts. The kinds of pictures that melt your heart and make you shout to any person in the room "Loooook at how cute this is!!!" (This is usually accompanied by a smile and gleeful shout) 

In the verse in Ecclesiastes, Solomon writes about the variety of emotions that people experience in life. There are so many ups and downs, and each person on this planet is bound to experience them all. 
Right now, I can say it has been a time of joy and celebration. A time of new opportunity and promise! I can't help feeling that there are so many who want to join in on this promise and joy. The number of "Likes" on pictures begins to add up, a testament that people just want to join in with others on celebrations in life. 

This is a testament to the idea that all humans want to join in on something to be happy about. Despite the negative messages that we may see, the stories that are depressing on the news, or the daily frustrations of day-to-day life, it is good to know that people really do need a way or place to celebrate.

I love the idea that no matter what we are (humans) doing, we will stop and take the time, to share in someone's good news---
Because we love to be connected.

It's one of the best feelings to be able to share in a Wedding Announcement, birth announcement, announcement of future plans, etc. It's the promise of tomorrow, and the hope and joy that God allows us to feel on Earth. Yes, there are a variety of seasons. But without the struggle and challenges of life, how would we appreciate the good times?

The challenge just makes the end result that much sweeter.

Happy May!

Even though it is cold and rainy now, fingers are crossed the weather will cooperate for graduation next Sunday. T-6 Days and counting!
Here's the catch-up for my #100HappyDays Project!

Day 75: A lovely bike ride with Alison and Jenny up to Palisades Park in Decorah!!

 Day 76: I wish there was sound on this video. But I discovered the app: DubSmash, which is hilarious to use.

Day 77: A lovely study buddy.

Day 78: The Ultra-Mega-Mega Art Show, where Jenny's amazing artwork was on display, as well as Ellie and my journey to Burr Oak, Iowa to fulfill our dream since Freshman year of going to see the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum!!

Day 79: Well thanks, Whippy Dip!!

Day 80: Studying for Finals and the last FOCUS of College...

Day 81: My last presentation of my undergraduate was a semester-long research project on swearing. (The Parental Guidance Sticker is a joke)

And so the days continue on!
Hope you're having a great day as well!!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Almost done with #100HappyDays

It is hard to believe how quickly these days have gone by.
Emotions have definitely started coming out more as these last two weeks of school begin.

So these pictures are definitely going to be something I look back on for a long time.

Day 68:

Erin came to visit!!
We went to Malanaphy Springs on a hike in the afternoon and then for ice cream.


Day 69:

We bought a pool for our house...need I say more??

Day 70:

Happy May the Fourth from Darth Payton!!!

Day 71:

Happy Thursday night studying!!
(Halle picked up Libby like this)

Day 72: A Lovely walk with Ellie to Van Peenan!! Such a pretty area

Day 73:

All the trees are in full blossom here, and they're...

Day 74:

A Day in Des Moines and Colo, Iowa with my favorite person.

Despite emotions, the smiles are at an all time high too. So grateful for this time!!!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Picture Summary

One of these days I will get back to writing real posts, but for now, I think these pictures are doing a pretty good job of summing up these final days of Senior Year. They do a pretty great job of justifying the emotions held in each of these days!

Day 61:

I thought this was a funny snapchat from Connor, who saw us all leaving the house. (Connor lives next door)

Day 62:

Dad came and visited!! It was a truly terrific day.
The last few weeks, as we've gotten closer and closer to graduation, I have been asking the question, "Why did I come to Luther?" quite a bit. I think it's kind of the question that I've been trying to figure out for a while, and this day was kind of the answer to that question. Luther has been a time of growth and learning. It has also been a time that I have had some incredibly valuable experiences. On this day, I was able to talk to and spend time with so many wonderful people and truly see so many of the blessings over the past four years. It was rather overwhelming, but in the best of ways.

Day 63:

I feel blessed to go to Luther and work at the elementary schools in Decorah. It was a perfect day to bike to work.

Day 64:

Cathedral concert today, and STEVEN'S BIRTHDAY!! Looking forward to celebrating with him soon!!

Day 65:

Ah...Luther Sunsets...

Day 66:

This day deserved several pictures. Drinks and desert at La Rana to celebrate Senior papers being done as well as the Luther-Wartburg Track Meet. 

Day 67:

The tablecloth these flowers are sitting on is adorable, and is from Jenny's mom!!

Have a terrific Friday!!