Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Red Rocks

It amazes me how quickly time flies! It is already the end of January and it feels like just yesterday the year was starting! Where did the time go?!

This month I have been student teaching in a third grade classroom. It has been such a blessing to be in this class and I feel like I have learned and grown quite a bit in my own teaching strategies this month. I really am looking forward to being a teacher! My cooperating teacher has been great and has allowed me to really dive in, working with the class and teaching many group lessons. It has been a wonderful experience, allowing me to really get my feet wet to help prepare me to teach. This is the second of my teaching "practicums" while in college, and all next Fall I will be student teaching before returning to school next spring to finish up the last of my classes before graduating. It is an exciting time in life, and I am enjoying every minute!

While I have been back at home for my Practicum this month, it has been great to be back in Colorado and enjoy many of the sights around the state. I absolutely love this state and feel so incredibly happy to be home.

Now that I am done teaching for the month, I have some time off before heading back to the cold Mid-West for my Spring Semester. So today I grabbed the camera and soaked up the sun at Red Rocks!

This has to be one of my favorite places to go in Colorado. I love being able to see for miles, and be at a place where so many incredible musicians have performed before. This place is gorgeous and is great for a quick day hike.

Exploring and hiking; It was certainly a wonderful way to spend an afternoon!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dreams for the New Year

As many of my friends have jetted off throughout the world, on their adventures, I have really enjoyed hearing all about them. The thought of travel has crossed my mind so many times over the past few weeks. I would absolutely love to travel--it has been a goal of mine for many years to see the world, especially Europe. As I have heard about some pretty amazing adventures from overseas, I keep thinking about how much travel I have been blessed with during this past year. From road trips to mountain climbing, each trip has brought a new view and wonderful memories. Even though some of the trips that I have been able to take don't involve crossing any oceans, they have certainly given me some amazing perspectives. I feel that someday my travel days will come a-calling, (And when they do, I will accept them with arms open wide) but for now, I feel like I am right where I need to be. Once again, I am struck with the idea about how all it takes is looking at things from a new perspective. Yes, I want to travel, and someday I will. But for now, I have been blessed with some pretty awesome moments this past year. I look forward to many more to come. :)

Sunset in Iowa!
Moose---one of the most incredible sights

From the Top of Mummy's Head in Rocky Mountain National Park

This is the greatest backyard!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Years Bliss

Happy New Year everyone!!
Crazy that 2013 has come and gone, and rather quickly too. But never the less, I am grateful that 2014 is here, and with that a new start to a new year! 

As the festivities wore on on New Year's Eve, I found myself looking back at the year, as many others did. This year I spent NYE watching the Royal Wedding (yes, I am that much of an Anglophile) with a friend, relaxing and watching as Ryan Seacrest counted down to the New Year. One of my dear friends and I chatted about the past year; it's ups and downs, the most memorable moments, and the not-so-memorable moments. It was good to have a conversation that was very honest and genuine about the past and our own hopes for 2014. 

At the stroke of midnight, the fireworks could be heard going off from the city, and in that moment, the world seemed to swirl. The past collided with the present and spun viral into the future.  In some ways I love hearing the fireworks on New Years Eve. It's an exciting fanfare announcing the New Year. And yet it is the sound of a blast, quickly leaving behind the events of a long ago year. 

As my friend and I sat and talked about the New Year, we talked about our own Resolutions and wishes for the New Year. I've never quite been all gung-ho about making Resolutions but I prefer to think of them as something I do to better myself. 
So, here are a few of my own New Years Resolutions, or goals. 

  1. Continue with a year-long project.  (2013 was the Blessings Jar, this year will be the Prayer Box!)
  2. Run a Half-Marathon. I absolutely love running. I have begun to build up my endurance and would love to challenge myself with a Half-Marathon this year!
  3. Be Intentional. This means taking time to disconnect myself with technology. Spend quality time with friends and family.
  4. Write More Letters. One of my favourite things at college is to receive hand-written letters. There is nothing better than receiving a letter that someone took time to write to you! I was pretty good about writing letters at the beginning of this year, but grew a little lax. Time to make sure I stay on top of communication!
  5. Dance More. Life is full of joy, so why not dance? :)
  6. Do what makes you happy. We only have one life to live, so my goal is to make sure that I do what makes me happy. Life is short and we don't have time to waste it on trivial things that waste time. "Do What you Like, Like What You Do." -Life Is Good Company
  7. Listen More. Take time to limit what you say. Sometimes the best learning experiences come from just opening up your heart and mind.
  8. Climb some new mountains. Sometimes taking risks is okay! Look at things from a new perspective. One of the most powerful moments from 2013 for me was staring down from the top of a mountain at it's peak above treeline. Everything is small, and looking at the world you realize how vast it is. It really puts things in to perspective. It is good to look at things from new perspectives!
  9. Board Games are Great. This is my simple one of limiting the time spent in front of the TV. 
  10. Drink More Tea. For me, tea is always a viable option. :)
What are your New Year's Resolutions? 
I challenge you this year to find what is good for your soul and do it. Live and Love every moment. Learn even from the toughest times. Try to seek out Joy in the ordinary. 
It's a New Year! Time to rejoice!
Wishing you nothing but Joy, Peace, Love, and Good Health in this the new year!!