Monday, March 31, 2014

Sleepless in Seattle

This past weekend, I had the privilege of spending time in Seattle and Portland for the conclusion of Spring Break! It was a wonderful way to spend a break, and all started a couple of months ago when one of my friends and I joked that we should make a trip to Seattle and Portland. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to swing it, but when ticket prices dropped to the extreme, I jumped on board!!

So on Thursday night I boarded a plane with one of my friends, Kendra; Seattle bound! My friends that I saw this weekend I have known since Kindergarten. I am so grateful for their friendship these past fifteen years. We have certainly had some amazing adventures and wonderful memories!

So all day Friday was about touring Seattle!! Here are some highlights...

We started off our day at the Pike Place Fish Market. It is such a unique blend of sea, fish, vendors, flowers, homemade goods, and food. 

It wasn't even that crowded!

Of course we also went to the First Starbucks. I am a Starbucks girl at heart and loved this. 

Next up: Freemont Bridge...Home to this guy...

And some wonderful views of the city! 

We had so many laughs throughout the day as we trekked all over the city. It was good to be out in the city and see so much with a truly incredible friend! It was wonderful being able to catch up on life with this girl and have some great conversations.

The Locks
 Discovery Park 

 Kerry Park at night

It was one whirlwind of a day; I am amazed at all we did! It was such a wonderful day and even included a few dance parties and Richard Simond's Dance videos.

All in all, a truly spectacular day!

Many many thanks to Kendra for hosting me these past few days. :) It was a blast!

I absolutely loved spending time with Kendra! I am so very grateful for her friendship.

(Also, the title of this post is also the name of my favorite movie. We even watched it while there. :D)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Young Adult Literature

This semester has definitely been racing by. I am amazed at how quickly these past seven weeks have been going!
This semester I am taking seven classes, and five of them meet once a week, so it has been a bit of a challenge to adapt to my constantly moving class schedule. Nevertheless, it has kept things exciting this year!!

One of my favorite classes is Young Adult Literature. Through the class, we read at least one book a week. It has been awesome being able to read so many books, and for fun!
The books we have read include:

  • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. 
    • This is a truly powerful book that has recently been made in to a movie. It is about a young girl, Liesel, and her profound love of books. Set in Nazi, Germany, The Book Thief recounts the tale of this young girl as she watches her country, family, and friends change before her eyes. Readers are pulled in to her gripping story as Liesel pursues her dream to read despite the oppression of the circumstances that surround her. I would highly recommend this book!
  • The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. 
  • La Linea by Ann Jaramillo
  • Split by Swati Avasthi
  • Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
  • The Lightning Thief (Part of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series) by Rick Riordan
  • The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

These books have all been incredibly powerful, and such a nice change to talk about these books in class and do projects over them! It has been one of my absolute favorite classes throughout college, and I am really excited to continue with this class the rest of the semester.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Week in Pictures

This week has really flown by!

The sun has been shining more, the snow is gradually melting, and temperatures have consistently been above freezing. It is cause to celebrate!!

I only have two months left at Luther before I will be leaving and not returning til good until February. Since there is little time left, I am trying to enjoy it all!

So here is a little summary of life so far, caught up in pictures...

One of my friends made me mittens!! They are really cute and warm.

It's a Fr-ate! (A friend date)

With yummy food...

And Good company!!

Luther has a Planetarium, and it was such a joy to be able to go there this week! (Twice)

Decorah is gorgeous

Such a great running buddy

Coffee Shop Homework dates and real flowers.  Spring is here!

Hard to believe how quickly this year is flying by!!
Looking forward to the next couple of months.
Have a wonderful day!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Life is a Prairie

Life is a prairie.

If your reaction followed along the lines of, "What??" when you read that, then you mirrored my own reaction upon first hearing that.

In one of my favorite classes this semester, Young Adult Literature, my English Professor stated this. I was quietly doubtful of this until she started to explain.

A prairie is continuously cycling through seasons. It withstands wind, holds a multitude of various plants and vegetation, and still comes back through the cold winter months to blossom and grow in the spring.

Sometimes life is rough. The prairie endures through cold and snow.

Sometimes life is really rough. The prairie is burned from time to time. This is only so that the old can be gotten rid of, and the new can come in. The roots are incredibly deep in the prairie, allowing the new growth to come in stronger than ever.

The prairie is never the same, but each time a new season comes, it comes up stronger than ever.

Just like life, sometimes all it takes is for the old to be taken away in order to find the beauty out of the new.

Pretty cool, huh?

Thursday, March 6, 2014


I'm not going to lie, we have had some pretty crummy weather lately. There are piles of snow everywhere that are--no joke--six feet high. It's been cold, below freezing consistently, and it continues to snow in the evenings. Safe to say, I think it has gotten to everyone. It has been a tough Winter, and I am eagerly anticipating the warmer weather this Spring.

Despite the abundance of snow, it is pretty!! Especially when the sun is shining. 

There is a saying that you know a conversation has gotten bad when all you talk about is the weather. Well, I have definitely overindulged in the conversation of weather, however, when the snow literally blocks you in, it's kind of hard not to. It has been funny to hear people's reactions to the snow. We are all pretty sick of it!!

The snow has also illuminated  how far removed I am from the world. Being locked in by the snow, focused on classes and other activities in this tiny part of Iowa, an hour and a half away from any large cities, I forget to check and see what is going on in the world. One of my goals for Lent is to make sure that I am on top of the news. It is such a relief to be able to read about the world, especially when my own little "bubble" here at school consists of school, friends, activities, homework, snow, cold, ice, and more snow. 

Today, I opened my blinds for the first time in a few days. There is just something about the sun shining in through the windows that makes the world seem better. That despite tough times or pain, there is always something to look forward to.  

The view from my window is beautiful. I love waking up in the morning and seeing the sun rise. It is such a blessing. So despite all of the bad weather and the tough times, there is so much good outside. 
Sometimes all it takes is opening a window. 

Wishing you a wonderful, sunny day!