Monday, October 28, 2013

Joy-Full Mondays

This morning I woke up excited to start the day. Despite the fact that it was Monday, I was ready to get up and get going. I'm not going to lie, sometimes Mondays are a stretch for me. However, this morning was not. Little victories! I started out this morning by spending some Sabbath time, which I will talk about on a later blog entry. I love Sabbath Time because it's time where I relax and can take a breather. This morning I chose to read my Bible and pray. Always a good choice. I even did some Good Morning Yoga. I was ready to go before my 8 am class!

Since I have been back at school this year, I have really struggled with eating healthy and staying fit. After coming back from Fall Break, I have made it a goal to really watch what I eat and exercise more. So far things are going well. I have been eating healthier and I feel so much better. At college it is such a struggle to eat well, which is frustrating. So much of my life is centered around meals. Usually meals are the only times that I get to see some of  my friends. Thus we end up sitting and eating for a long time in the cafeteria and that "Oh, I guess I can have that muffin" becomes more and more attractive. I mean, we're sitting here in the Caf for a long time, I may as well have something else to eat?! Nope. Not always the best idea. So my goal is to spend more time with friends, and even if that time is in the Caf, to not have "hang out time" surrounded around meals/snacking/food. It'll be a challenge, but I think I can do it.

So after my 8 am, I headed to the gym to get in some time on the treadmill and stair stepper. I love exercises that I can do quickly and work up a sweat. Today I spent my gym-time walking at an incline on the treadmill and stepping on the stair-stepper. It was a quick workout before I had to shower and head to a meeting, but it was worth it! Tonight I have plans to head to yoga with a friend. It is always helpful to have a friend be an accountability buddy. A while back, some of my friends and I decided to be "accountability buddies" and make sure that we work out and stay active. I haven't been doing the best job as I could be doing on that, but it will be good to pick that up again. If you are ever struggling to find the motivation to work out or eat healthy, partner with a friend that could help you to meet your goals! It is helpful when you have a friend calling you up saying, "Time to go. We've got a date with the gym".

This week is looking pretty crazy, however, it's Halloween Week! Time to pull out your costumes and carve some pumpkins. One of my favorite parts of Halloween is seeing really creative and cute costumes. My plan is to be Rosie the Riveter from the "We Can Do It" 1940's War propaganda poster. We'll see how well I assemble all of the costume parts!

Have a great Monday!!

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