Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blessings Jar

One of my favorite projects is a "Blessings Jar". This is a jar where I write down various blessings that I find throughout my day, date them, then put them in to my "Blessings Jar". At the end of a year's time, I open it up and read them. This project was one that I accomplished for the year of 2013, and it was so cool to open up at the end of the year and read through.

I love this project for a few reasons. The first is that it helps me to keep stock of all of the wonderful things going on in life. I notice that even in the tougher times of life, if I look for the small moments, like laughing with my parents, or a funny text from a friend, I gain so much more from each day.
I feel like it is so easy to get caught up in "feeling down", something which I do far too often. (I also over think things).

When in reality, God has given us this day, and each moment of the day. He's given us this wonderful life to live, each moment a part of the beautiful tapestry of our lives.
It is important to remember, and I for one forget about this from time to time.

So, in true Caitlin fashion, I started another Blessings Jar. No, it's not the beginning of the year. But, "today is the first day of the rest of your life."
Anytime is a good time to start a project, to start noticing the good moments in life. And anytime is a good time to rejoice in the blessings of each day!!

I hope you have a fantastic day!!

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