Tuesday, October 21, 2014

My Bookmarks Bar

I'm kind of a sucker for cute things. Cute pictures, sappy movies, crafts that are cute, the list goes on.
I also don't mind things that tug at your heartstrings. I'm talking about sentimental videos, books, etc. Things that make you grateful for who is in your life. In some ways, I've always thought that by watching movies or reading books or viewing pictures that make you cry, it's just another reminder of how blessed and lucky we are to live in this life.

Although times may get tough, we are blessed that we get to experience the different emotions that come our way. God has allowed us, as beautiful and complex human beings, to experience a variety of emotions. By allowing ourselves to feel sadness, happiness, frustration, we are allowing ourselves to truly live. It's good to get a good laugh out or just sit in silence sometimes.

So this is where this lovely list of links comes from.

On my Chrome, I have a bookmarks folder called, "Life is Good". It's a folder that I bookmark links to articles and videos that make me laugh and sometimes cry. It's the folder that I look at when I just need to take a break from the ordinary, and remember that life is full of truly incredible moments.

I thought I would share some of my "Life is Good" Folder!

1. Dear Photograph. This is an incredible Tumblr site where people post pictures that they have recreated, and they post a note next to it that begins with, "Dear Photograph..." There are some truly powerful photographs, especially one that has the Twin Towers featured in it. I always get caught up in the stories of these photographs. A picture really is worth a thousand words.

2. A Prairie Home Companion Pretty-Good Jokes. A Minnesota classic, Garrison Keilor hosts "The Prairie Home Companion". This website is full of hilarious jokes by category. They are submitted by readers and listeners to this famous radio show, and they never fail to make me smile.

3. 28 Pictures that prove that dreams do come true. A good Buzzfeed article!

4. Cute video of a Deer Dancing in the woods. So. Cute.

5. The 35 Happiest Things that Have Ever Happened. Another wonderful Buzzfeed Article!

6. And this compilation of Heartwarming moments: (May need tissues)

Sometimes, it is the tears, laughter, and smiles that remind us how good life is.

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